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Helen Davies

Marketing planning tips for 2022

Citrus web have compiled 3 easy tips that will help you maximise your marketing in the new year. Helping you to make 2022 your most successful year ever!

Don't make the mistake of being overly ambitious from the start and then get frustrated when you can't keep marketing in a consistent way. Try and keep your marketing plan simple and easy to maintain.

My latest blog helps you to get to grips with the basics, by aligning your business goals with your marketing goals.

1. Clarify your goals

If you are clear from the start what you are trying to achieve and why, this will make planning and communication a far easier task.

Here are a few ideas:

  • 50 x new clients

  • £100,000 more profit

  • 10 x more resellers

Then break this down into manageable chunks. For example, £100,000 more a year translates to £8,333/month. That instantly sounds more manageable doesn't it? Then divide that between your sales team and there you have your sales targets.

All goals need to be SMART:

  • SPECIFIC - 50 new clients is specific

  • MEASURABLE - When a new contact makes a purchase.

  • ACHIEVABLE - 50 new clients in a month might not be achievable

  • REALISTIC - If you won 40 new clients last year then 50 this year is realistic

  • TIMELY - 12 months - Agree the sales deadline now, especially if you're going to offer any incentives.

2. Focus your efforts

Which 3 marketing activities can you improve that will help your achieve your goals?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Join a new monthly networking meeting

2. Exhibit at more trades shows

3. Visit all your clients and sell one new thing to each

4. Send a monthly newsletter to all our clients

5. Set up email marketing signatures that help promote our campaigns

6. Improve communication with a monthly blog

7. Send a monthly newsletter

8. Better event promotion with pre-planned marketing campaigns

9. Better engagement on LinkedIn

10. Outsource marketing to a professional!

3. Measure your progress

How do you know your marketing is working? There’s only one way and that’s to measure your progress every month.

What to measure?

1. Monthly Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), are ones that have been generated from your adverts, events, social media, website, or newsletters.

2. Web traffic. How many people are visiting your website each month.

3. Web conversions. How many people make an enquiry, download information or buy something from your website.

4. Newsletter opens. What percentage of people open your emails?

5. Newsletter clicks. How many people actually click further and read the article/product you are promoting? How do you follow this up? With a phone call or a second wave email?

My biggest tip would be, keep it simple. Don’t try and implement 10 new things all at once. Cherry pick the right activity that will most likely help you to achieve your goals, then stick to it.

If this all sounds great but you just don’t have the time, the skills or the inclination, please give me a call 07704105954 or send me an email


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